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We started delivering skills programmes in 2012 with the establishment of our apprenticeship delivery across North East England.

The skills team deliver classroom based and online training for those unemployed individuals who are keen to improve their skills. For some contracts, our skills delivery is about helping individuals gain the skills to move into employment, but for others it could simply be about helping people learn new skills or move into education.

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Skills Programmes

Our current skills programmes include:

  • Adult Skills Fund*
  • Multiply*
  • Skills Bootcamps*
  • Connected Parents
  • Bright Futures
  • Tees Valley Entrepreneurs*
  • Supported Internships

If you are interested in joining a programme, or would like to find out more, please use the Contact Us form.

*Funded by the Tees Valley Mayor and Combined Authority through the Adult Skills Fund. Applicable to TCVA delivery only.

Woman smiling at camera sitting at desk with hands crossed

Adult Skills Fund

The Adult Skills Fund (ASF) is a skills programme commissioned by the Education and Skills Funding Agency and by a number of devolved Combined Authorities including Tees Valley Combined Authority.

ASF aims to engage adults and provide the skills and learning they need to progress into (or equip them for) an apprenticeship or other learning. It enables more flexible tailored programmes of learning to be made available, which may or may not require a qualification, to help eligible learners engage in learning, build confidence, and/or enhance their wellbeing.

Our ASF courses cover subjects such as health and social care, retail, customer service, business improvement techniques, business administration, hospitality and IT.

As part of each course we provide professional recruitment advice and mentoring. We also offer an in-work support service to help people stay in employment after securing a job.

Triage delivers ASF in partnership with Tees Valley Combined Authority, the Education & Skills Funding Agency and Sunderland City Council. 


Multiply is a new government-funded programme to help adults improve their numeracy skills. Our delivery combines numeracy and basic IT skills to help learners apply their new skills in day-to-day life. We deliver Multiply under the programme name 'Make IT Count'. 

Make IT Count aims to support those aged 19+ who have not previously gained a GCSE Grade 4/C or higher maths qualification. We want to help people improve their ability to understand and use maths in daily life. Whether that be improving household finances, helping children with homework, making more sense of the facts in the media or improving job specific numeracy skills.

Training will cover:

  • IT Basics: Navigating a PC/laptop, using web-based computer programmes, checking emails, staying safe online
  • Numeracy: Calculations with money, numbers, decimals/fractions, money management
  • Using social media for job searching

Triage delivers Multiply in partnership with Tees Valley Combined Authority and Durham County Council (Durham Learn). 

Triage employee with long red hair looking at a computer with a male participant beside her.
Two women deep in conversation. One woman is showing the other a leaflet.

Skills Bootcamps

Skills Bootcamps are a focused learning programme designed to help adults aged 19+ build sector skills that local employer are looking for. 

Typically short-term (lasting up to 16 weeks), Skills Bootcamps aim to provide practical experience and equip individuals with the essential knowledge and tools needed for a specific job or industry.

These courses are free, flexible and offer a guaranteed interview upon completion.

We are currently offering the following Skills Bootcamps:

  • Train the Trainer - To support with capacity building within the education, training and skills sector. Particularly for those working or wanting to work in adult education. 
  • Train the Teacher - To support with capacity building within schools and colleges. Particularly for those working or wanting to work with children and young people.
  • Train the Team - To support with upskilling for staff that conduct any form of staff training including managers, learning & development specialists and team leaders.
  • Digital Scale Up - Designed to support self-employed individuals, or those embarking on their self-employment journey, to facilitate business growth via promotional content and ensure longevity.
  • Management Development Programme - Designed in collaboration with local businesses to address identified disparities in skills and competencies required and those possessed by team leaders and managers, particularly around people management, conflict resolution and technology.

Triage delivers Skills Bootcamps in partnership with Tees Valley Combined Authority. Skills Bootcamps are fully funded for learners (by the Department for Education/the government).

Bright Futures

Bright Futures is designed to provide targeted and intensive support for young people aged 18-24yrs to get into and stay in work. The project will engage and motivate young people to enable them to build confidence, have positive mindsets and overcome mental health issues/other barriers to sustainable employment. The programme will be tailored to individuals needs and include four different stages of support; 

  • engagement
  • overcoming barriers
  • vocational activity 
  • exit to a positive destination

Delivered on behalf of Tees Valley Mayor and Combined Authority and is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

Funded by UK Government

Smiley, blonde woman wearing a headset typing on her laptop at her desk in a busy office.
Woman at desk in office taking notes and working on computer while chatting to a man who is a participant on our employability programme.

Tees Valley Entrepreneurs

Tees Valley Entrepreneurs helps residents facing barriers to self-employment to develop business and entrepreneurial skills through one-to-one advice and support.

There can be many barriers to self-employment. Whether it's a poor credit rating, lack of expertise or maybe even a language barrier. These things shouldn’t come in the way of a great idea, so regardless of your age, your qualifications, or your current employment status, Tees Valley Entrepreneurs could help you start or scale up your business.

Tailored one-to-one support will guide you through the fundamentals of business, and includes:

  • Introduction to Entrepreneurship
  • Idea Validation
  • Business Planning
  • Legal and Financial Basics
  • Marketing and Branding
  • Networking and Pitching
  • Entrepreneurial Skills

To access this support, you must be living in Tees Valley or be a small or medium-sized business based in Tees Valley (Darlington, Hartlepool, Middlesbrough, Redcar & Cleveland or Stockton-On-Tees).

Delivered on behalf of Tees Valley Mayor and Combined Authority and is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

Funded by UK Government

Supported Internships

Supporting Northallerton and Scarborough young people (aged 16-24) who have an education, health and care plan (EHCP) in place.

A supported internship is a structured, work-based study programme for 16 to 24-year-olds who have an EHCP. The aim of a supported internship is a substantial work placement, facilitated by the support of an expert job coach.

During an internship:

  • Typically lasts up to12 months
  • Majority of time will be in the workplace gaining real-life industry experience (the remaining will be spent learning the skills needed to succeed)
  • Interns are guided by a dedicated job coach


  • Transition into sustained and paid employment giving interns financial independence
  • Interns will be highly skilled and educated in the industry in which they completed their internship
  • Interns will be on their way to developing a successful career and may have even gained a few new friends along the way!

Check out our latest employer news. 

Contact us for more information. 

Young woman smiling at older woman with a coffee and laptop on the desk in front of them,
Sunderland City Council
North Yorkshire Council
Durham Learn logo in full colour
North East Combined Authority