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A woman and two men leaning against a railing by water with boats. All smiling.

Good news

Stories from those whose lives we have changed for the better

Latest news and success stories

Helping people succeed is what we do best, and these stories showcase the work that Triage employees do every day to help the people on our programmes become the very best versions of themselves. 


Our participants telling their story in their own words...

Man talking to camera

Ashley's story

Two women talking while sitting down and smiling.

Alex's story

Two women walking and smiling with beach in the background.

Julie's story

Two women chatting with a bright garden in the background.

Joanne & Hanna

Three young people working at a desk together smiling.

No One Left Behind

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Man on the left standing beside a woman on the right with a banner promoting the Restart Scheme in the middle. Man wearing overalls and branded polo shirt promoting his handyman business. Woman in business attire.

Jimmy is making his daughter proud

Jimmy ran his own successful business for most of his working life but a change in personal circumstances meant that he had to give this up to care for his…
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Two men and a woman standing looking at the camera in an office with a backdrop of a coloured pull-up banner

Pilot's a success

12 weeks after joining our Supported Employment Pilot, Chris and Declan have both moved into employment!
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Two women sat on yoga mats with their legs crossed looking at each other.

Susan's self-employment success

When Susan returned to England after a successful DJing career in Europe, she wanted to explore a new industry and take her love of yoga and reiki and create a…
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Two stick people high-fiving

Triage partner with Anglian Water Services

Our Hartlepool Employer Services Team have secured a new employer partnership with fellow Disability Confident Employer, Anglian Water Services.  
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Young woman smiling at the camera.

Triage felt like a second home...

Ashleigh joined our North Lanarkshire Next Steps programme and "enjoyed every second".
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Young man and his manager dressed in mucky gardening clothes shaking hands.

Gardening success for Kai

When Kai joined Triage all he wanted was to earn a good wage, feel a little happier and boost his confidence.
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