After joining the Restart Scheme, Alex’s Triage team were able to support her into her dream job of owning her own yoga business.
Amy helped Alex to apply for a casual assistant role with Hartlepool Borough Council’s sports and leisure department – a great networking opportunity as well as a chance to generate a little extra income.
Alongside this, Steph, self-employment adviser, was supporting Alex with information on how to apply for grants and create a business plan.
Alex then got stuck into marketing her venture and successfully negotiated the use of a local yoga studio where she could deliver classes with an established client base. She also started volunteering for a local hospice in their holistic wellbeing centre and submitted a grant application to the council.
Alex is now in the process of building her website, utilising her past design experience. She has also secured a scholarship for further training and is getting ready to deliver her classes at the local yoga studio.
“It is an absolute pleasure to see Alex for her appointments,” said Amy Crone, Alex’s adviser.
“Every meeting is a flurry of achievements and progression. Seeing Alex go from strength to strength and building a successful business is a pleasure to witness.”