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Just the job for Jason

13 Jul 2022
Man in shirt and tie smiling at the camera with water and buildings in background.

As the old Mark Twain saying goes, find a job you enjoy doing and you will never have to work a day in your life. This was also Jason Lund’s philosophy as he began his search for a meaningful role. “My biggest goal was to find a job that was fun and sustainable in the long term,” says Jason, who received help from Triage and the Restart Scheme. “Happiness was more important than salary, and Triage supported me with this.”

The Restart Scheme offers personalised support to people who have been unemployed for at least 12 months and is delivered by Triage in North East England on behalf of the Department for Work and Pensions. The aim is to find sustainable, enjoyable employment; and Jason couldn’t be happier after securing a job in the art industry.

“My adviser supported me in every aspect of finding employment, from helping me find my own passion to pursue, all the way through to preparing me for my interview,” says Jason. “They also guided me through creating an effective CV and how to apply for jobs I once thought were beyond my capability.”

Jason acknowledges he didn’t have much confidence when he joined Restart, due to his lack of knowledge about the job application process. “Before the programme, my days would consist of me applying for jobs, not really having any direction or sense of what I wanted to do with my life,” he says. “Sometimes I would feel very defeated.”

The support Jason received from Triage has equipped him with the skills he needed to move forward.

“They talked me through everything and gave me positive and productive techniques that will stay with me throughout my life,” he says. “I now feel confident and prepared to pursue any job or interest in life. My goal was to find a job that I was passionate about and could see myself doing in 10 years. I’ve now achieved it working in the art industry.”

In fact, Jason has two jobs; working as an art technician during the week, and as a mixologist – a cocktail maker – at weekends. He is so grateful for the support he received and says his experience with Triage “surpassed all expectations”. He adds: “Every member of staff went above and beyond, from supporting me personally to making sure I was being dealt with professionally by potential employers. They also helped with any financial difficulties, and I left every session feeling like a better person.”


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